I am a salesman of swaraj. I am a devotee of khadi. It is my duty to
induce people, by every honest means, to wear khadi.
~ M K Gandhi
Know the story Behind our products
Khadi has long been an integral part of India’s social fabric. The hand spun and woven cloth was presented by Mahatma Gandhi as a symbol of nationalism, equality and self-reliance. He saw a way of providing relief to those stricken poverty and launched the movement for Khadi in 1918.

Know the story Behind our products
Khadi has long been an integral part of India’s social fabric. The hand spun and woven cloth was presented by Mahatma Gandhi as a symbol of nationalism, equality and self-reliance. He saw a way of providing relief to those stricken poverty and launched the movement for Khadi in 1918.
We should look to the villages for the supply of our daily needs and that, when we find that some needs are not so supplied, we should see whether with a little trouble and organization, they cannot be profitably supplied by the villagers.
~ M K Gandhi
How khadi began for us
Gandhi believed that Khadi would enhance the effectiveness of the Satyagraha against British rule and recommended it as the central core of the constructive activities during the Swaraj movement and the Gandhigram community continues to reap benefits in terms of sustainability and art preservation to this date.

We should look to the villages for the supply of our daily needs and that, when we find that some needs are not so supplied, we should see whether with a little trouble and organization, they cannot be profitably supplied by the villagers.
~ M K Gandhi
How khadi began for us
Gandhi believed that Khadi would enhance the effectiveness of the Satyagraha against British rule and recommended it as the central core of the constructive activities during the Swaraj movement and the Gandhigram community continues to reap benefits in terms of sustainability and art preservation to this date.

Weaver Soundaiya has been with Gandhigram for close to 45 years and his son too is with the organisation 15 years weaving the soft muslin saris

Weaver Vinayagam and her husband Senthivel from Idaikkal work together weaving khadi fabrics for Gandhigram. They were the first to weave saris at Idaikkal.

Weaver Soundaiya has been with Gandhigram for close to 45 years and his son too is with the organisation 15 years weaving the soft muslin saris

Weaver Vinayagam and her husband Senthivel from Idaikkal work together weaving khadi fabrics for Gandhigram. They were the first to weave saris at Idaikkal.
JOin us and be a part of our story
With the advent of power looms and the mechanized process of textile making in India, the growth of Khadi has been severely hampered. What was once the beacon of independence and self-sustenance has now become a struggling industry with decreasing demand and production. Through the Khadi and Village Industries Trust, we are striving to ensure that the fabric of Khadi and, consequently, the fabric of India – do not fray.
Gandhi had invoked Khadi at the time of the freedom struggle, assigning a rich cultural value. It is this culture that we are trying to save and we can use all the help we can get. By pledging to buy Khadi and products manufactured by village industries supported by our Trust, you can also take Gandhi’s legacy legacy forward. So come, join our movement and help us realize Gandhi’s idea idea of a self-sustaining India.

JOin us and be a part of our story
With the advent of power looms and the mechanized process of textile making in India, the growth of Khadi has been severely hampered. What was once the beacon of independence and self-sustenance has now become a struggling industry with decreasing demand and production. Through the Khadi and Village Industries Trust, we are striving to ensure that the fabric of Khadi and, consequently, the fabric of India – do not fray.
Gandhi had invoked Khadi at the time of the freedom struggle, assigning a rich cultural value. It is this culture that we are trying to save and we can use all the help we can get. By pledging to buy Khadi and products manufactured by village industries supported by our Trust, you can also take Gandhi’s legacy forward. So come, join our movement and help us realize Gandhi’s idea of a self-sustaining India.